
The International Olympic Academy

The Hellenic Cultural and Educational Club for UNESCO has undersigned a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Olympic Academy. The objective of this M.O.U. is the cooperation and implementation of joint actions on national and international level, with the following aims:

a. The international promotion of the culture and history of Greece

b. The presentation of the history of the Olympic Games

c. The dissemination, preservation and application of the social, cultural and universal principles of Olympism, such as the principles of Peace, Equality, Democracy, Freedom and Respect for Diversity

d. The promotion of the value of Olympism as a philosophy of life that highlights and synthesizes in a harmonious whole the qualities of the body, the will and the spirit.

e. Cooperation with International Organizations, such as the International Olympic Committee, the European Commission, UNESCO, the United Nations Organization, the International Olympic Truce Center and other organizations, for the co-formation of programs, actions and initiatives that have the common goal of spreading and implementing the principles and values of multiculturalism and the broader protection and promotion of human rights.

The World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium, as well as the World Olympic Summer School, are organized under the auspices of the I.O.A.. Both are also hosted in the premises of the I.O.A. in Ancient Olympia.

The Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO

Since its foundation the Club has been continuously in collaboration with the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO as well as with the Hellenic National ASPnet Coordinator. The World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium is organized with the support of the National Commission. The National ASPnet Coordinator is the Special Advisor of the Symposium.

The UNESCO Education Sector

In 2018 the International Coordination of UNESCO Associated Schools Unit was informed about the World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium. The UNESCO Project Manager attended the World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium 2022 representing the Unit and had the chance to participate in the workshops and the activities of the Symposium and the opportunity to evaluate the offer of the Symposium in Education and the UNESCO Associated Schools Network.

In 2023 the 70th anniversary logo of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network was designed by the Club and during the ASPnet Coordinators’ General Conference in Berlin the Club was declared as official Partner of the Network. The Club has also created the Anniversary video on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO ASP Network. The video will be displayed during the UNESCO General Conference in November 2023

The United Nations Regional Information Centre (U.N.R.I.C)

Both international initiatives of the Club promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Therefor UNRIC supports the World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium and the World Olympic Summer School.

The UNESCO Chair of the University of Macedonia

The UNESCO Chair for intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity of University of Macedonia supports officially the World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium acknowledging the value of the program.

The Hellenic Ministry of Culture

The Club is registered in the cultural organizations list of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Its Registration Number is #66680.